Versions of characters are as follows. Comics are their Marvel is 616 canon, DC is Post Crisis and Rebirth canon. All others are their main comics canon, or stated otherwise. For Movies/Films the canon is the main canon or specified otherwise canon, as well all comics, novels associated with that film. Games canon is the main entry games current canon, or specified otherwise, as well all comics, novels, and films associated with that games specific canon. Manga/Anime follows the canon that allows for both manga and anime for that character.
All matches are Death, Incapacitation, or KO.
BFR from the outside the battlefield is not allowed, but allowed inside the battlefield, and up to skyscraper level height. As well no Teleporting internal attacks or dismemberments.
Teamwork goes only as far as Suicide Squad style. Your team meets up, gets to swap stories and files of the other. Thats it. Better hope they mesh well or worked together before. As everyone is in character. Some decent roleplay can help with this. Try to be creative and accurate.
Standard gear for everyone. As in Gear they have easy access to and used more than once. You character is limited to ammo, throwing weapons, arrows, resources in general they logically shown to carry into a single mission.
All matches are mission base. Meaning you dont have to beat the team you face but finish the mission instead.
You get 5 Character Points to spend. If you pick 4 points character or lower you gets options of perks. If you pick a 5 pointer then instead of perks you get to pick two fodder units. Remember this.
If you pick a Level 5 Character you do not get perks. Instead you get your pick of two Fodder to work under the characters soul command. They will be 100% loyal and have perfect teamwork with your character.
Perks only apply to teams with Level 4 Characters and below. You get 10 Perk Points starting off. Perks that cover Ammo or Throwing/Arrows means all ammo, throwing weapons, and arrows that character uses get that upgrade. Stats/Powers, Armor, Health, Vehicle, or Tech only covers one character. Anything that says Team means the whole team gets it that Perk.