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November 15 brings us the Beaver Moon and its many Beaver Moon memes

By Rebecca Leib

November 15 brings us the Beaver Moon and its many Beaver Moon memes

Beaver Moon memes explore the meaning, process, imagery, and effect of November 15, 2024's Supermoon -- known as the 'Beaver Moon' -- and center around slowing down and preparing for the winter months ahead.

Beaver Moon memes often combine the image of a beaver with the full Moon, behind which is space and/or planets -- but can also include the woods, humans explaining the Beaver Moon phenomenon, or any other appropriate imagery to illustrate or express this specific Supermoon and explain its beaver-like qualities.

Monthly full Moons have names and labels rooted in Native American and Colonial folklore and based on the Moon's specific attributes; the Beaver Moon is no different.

The last Supermoon of the year is called the "Beaver Moon" because November is traditionally the time of year when beavers begin to prepare for hibernation, anticipating the winter ahead. It is also the time beaver sightings are most prevalent in North America, as the animals are most active out in the open, busy with their pre-hibernation activities.

A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth during its elliptical orbit, and also is "full," (or fully illuminated from the Earth's perspective). Supermoons only happen three or four times a year and can appear, according to NASA, 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than the faintest Moon of the year.

Because the gravitational pull of the moon on Earth's oceans is stronger when the moon is closer to Earth, Supermoons intensify the Earth's tides. But some say Supermoons also have an effect on human behavior.

The Beaver Moon occurs on Nov. 15, 2024, and can be viewed from Earth throughout the day, reaching its closest point to Earth (and peak brightness) at 4:28 p.m. Eastern Time.

There are many interpretations of what the Beaver Moon means, but most agree it symbolizes a thoughtful and reflective slowing down in preparation for the winter ahead. The Beaver Moon is a reminder to prepare and act mindfully; out of necessity and forethought versus impulse or passion.

There are some great online riffs of the Beaver Moon, some more serious than others...

Though the Beaver Moon's attributes create good food for thought, above all, be careful, as it is known to have intense and bizarre effects on people...

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