At an organizational meeting this week, ECUS elected officers, chose committee members and set mewing dates for the next year.
District 1 member Vicki Campbell was elected to serve as board chairman and District 5 member Kevin Stephens was re-elected to the vice-chairmanship. District 3 members Larry Williams, Sr. was elected to the chairmanship of the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) and District 4 member Dale Perkins was elected to serve as the CAC vice-chairman.
The Board then appointed the following citizens to serve on the CAC:
The ECUA board also approved the proposed schedule for its regular monthly meetings for the 2025 calendar year, which will be typically held at 3:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. CAC meetings are typically held on the Tuesday of the week prior to the Board meeting, also at 3:00 p.m. The proposed schedule for the 2025 ECUA Board meetings is as follows: